About me

About me

About me

Hello there! I'm Franck. Technical Cloud Architect with a passion for designing and implementing cloud solutions. With a strong background in IT infrastructure and a focus on Kubernetes and GCP.

In my 15 years in the game, I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects, from public to enterprise-level organizations. My expertise lies in crafting scalable and secure cloud architectures that not only meet current business needs but also lay the foundation for future growth and innovation.

I love solving complex technical challenges, and my approach is always centered around efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Whether it's optimizing resource utilization, implementing robust security measures, or architecting for high availability.

I am well-versed in cloud platforms such as Azure, Google Cloud, OVH or Digital Ocean and I try to stay ahead of the curve with the latest advancements in cloud technologies. My goal is to empower businesses to leverage the full potential of the cloud, enabling them to focus on their core objectives while I take care of the technical intricacies.

Apart from my technical acumen, I pride myself on effective adaptability and collaboration. I enjoy working closely with cross-functional teams, bridging the gap between technical requirements and business objectives.

As a continuous learner, I engage with the tech community, staying involved in forums, conferences, and online discussions.

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Technical Cloud Architect at Adeo

March 2023 to now